The Official Opening of the new Canteen Facilities at Gaelcholáiste Luimnigh took place on Monday, April 28th at 8pm. A large crowd of parents, students, staff and members of the Board of Management was in attendance to see the wonderful new facilities installed by the School Food Company and to sample some of the extensive menu on offer. A wide variety of healthy food is available on a daily basis at a very cost effective price. The management and staff of the College together with Parents and students of the College are delighted with the new service.
The School Food Company was founded by Ken and Mark Boland in 2011. They now operate in an increasing number of schools across the Mid-West. They also provide a healthy food service to a number of afterschool and youth projects.
The School Food Company is dedicated to improving the health of children and young people and ensuring greater access to healthy food in schools by providing a healthy, nutritious food service to schools and offering a range of strategies to help empower young people to choose healthy options. They encourage students to try more fruit through a range of initiatives such as Free Fruit Friday, educational posters and competitions.
Both Principal, Donncha Ó Treasaigh and Deputy Principal, Sinéad ní Chiardha spoke of the importance of healthy, nutritious food to the students of Gaelcholáiste Luimnigh. Sinéad ní Chiardha thanked the School Food Company for their tireless efforts to get the new canteen up and running so smoothly and so quickly. Sinéad also thanked members of the Parents Council, Students Council and the staff of the school for their support. She said ”As a school, we are very excited at the prospect of working with The School Food company and ensuring that the students in our care have a variety of healthy, balanced meals and snacks available to them throughout the day. Research has shown that children and teenagers who eat a healthy, balanced meal and do not consume large amounts of sugary foods or drinks are better able to concentrate in class and absorb more of what is being taught”. Sinéad said “We look forward to to a successful partnership between Gaelcholáiste Luimnigh and The School Food Company and to seeing the benefits which it will bring to our students into the future”.
Sinéad ní Chiardha,
Deputy Principal, Gaelcholáiste Luimnigh
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