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Misneach & Dóchas
Tá an aimsear dúshlánach. Ach, tá neart is brí na hóige go láidir inár measc. Is maith an rud é go bhfuilimid páirteach I bhfiontar atá ag fás le stuaim agus le diógrais.
Agus sinn ag foghluim an cur le chéile agus meas ar chúrsaí an spiorad, beidh grásta Dé ár leigheas agus ár gcothú, anois agus san aimsir atá ag teacht.
An tAthair Micheál de Liostún
Courage & Optimism
There are new challenges around these days. All the gifts and abilities of our young people are needed. It is great that they are growing up in a school situation that is positive and developing.
Learning in an atmosphere of mutual respect and respect for matters of the spirit, we pray that the grace of God will be a healing and nourishing presence among us, now and in the days ahead.